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Guiding Mankind to the Path of Salvation
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Introduction - Learn about Israylite Heritage and its primary founder, Obadiyah Ysrayl—from radio shows, video lessons, music, and documentaries to outreach programs and in-person gatherings.
Names of Salvation - What is the name of the Most High? What is the name of His son? Do you know the bible is clear that both of their names are equal to salvation? This page explains it in detail.
The Physical Appearance of the Children of Israyl - How did the children of Israyl physically look? While every Hollywood movie has deceptively portrayed them with white-skinned European actors, biblical and historical evidence proves differently. Read here to discover the truth: Parts 1, 2, and 3.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Hebrewism of Africa - In 70 C.E., after the destruction of Jerusalem, the Israylite nation fled into East Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan). We then began a 1,400-year migration across Africa into its western shores followed by the transatlantic slave trade. This prophetic event transported millions of Hebrews from Africa to The Americas. Tribal nations in West Africa such as the Yoruba, Ashanti, Ibgo, etc., are Israylites. This page futher reveals the identity of the black people of the west.
The Curses - The children of Israyl made a covenant with Yah, the Most High, to keep His word and spread it to the other nations. Our disobedience has brought about serious consequences that distinguish us as His chosen people. Discover biblical prophecy of our enslavement and history in The Americas including why we've been made to suffer for 400 years.
Genesis 15:13 • 400 Years In A Foreign Land - Yah told Abraham that his seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not their own and be mistreated for 400 years. As of 2014, the Israylites have dwelt in the United States for 395 years, suffering evil afflictions along the way. See how this prophecy is unfolding before our eyes.
The Nationality - The bible does not support the concept of race. All men are separated into nations. What is the nationality of the so-called "black people" of the western hempishere? This page will fully answer this question.
The Duty of the Chosen People - Why are the Israylites called the 'Chosen People?' What are they chosen by Yah to do? Along with answers to these questions, discover that salvation is of the Israylites.
Israylites & Gentiles - Who are the gentiles of the scriptures and how do they relate to the children of Israyl? Here we will prove the Gentiles' identity to you through scriptural evidence.
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 - The book of Revelation clearly states that a great act of blasphemy is going on in the earth. It states there are people pretending to be the children of Israyl and are not. The bible calls them liars. Our quest to see who these people are on this page includes biblical and historical evidence.
Do NOT Follow Jewish Traditions - Are the Jews following the bible correctly? What book are their customs and traditions based? More importantly, should Hebrew Israylites follow them? The answers are proven on this page.
The Threefold Mission of the Jews - As history and the bible has shown us, the modern-day Ashkenazi Jews are not descendants of the ancient Israylites. Why then are they in the land of Israyl? Just as the true Israylites have a job, so do the Jews. Learn what that their job and duty is according to the Bible.
Edom & the Khazars - Who are the biblical Edomites? In history there existed a european empire that was a third world ruling power behind the Christians and Muslims. What happened to them? Where did they go? Here we reveal the true identity of the ancient Edomites and the Khazarian Empire.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - This page is dedicated to addressing the most common concerns and frequently asked questions about Israylites.
Open Letters - These open letters were developed in hopes that they may help those caught up in the lies of Satan, the adversary.
Click each to read below:
Please be aware that all downloadable PDF and Word documents for each open letter can be found on the Open Letters page.
Audio Lessons - Visit this page to access online lessons and our Word of the Week series. This page features hundreds of hours of recordings over the years. We pray your understanding is blessed.